What will you find in the report? 

It is designed as a guide providing an overview and synthetic information on Clean energy Public and Private funding instruments available for clean energy solutions , including:

  • European funding instruments – 10 various instruments are covered including Horizon Europe, Interreg, CEF Energy, Interreg, InvestEU, LIFE, Innovation Fund, PCP… which will remain active for the next 7 years for most of them.
  • National funding instruments – 8  countries are covered – Large ones such as Italy, Spain, France or Germany are presented but also leading innovators like Denmark  or Sweden but also strong to moderate innovators such as Portugal and Cyprus
  • Regional funding instruments – 10 regions from Western and Eastern Europe
  • Private funding instruments – Over 100 private funds specifically active in clean energy are included.

It also includes an overview of the available final and draft Recovery and Resilience Facility Plans from 24 EU Member States and the energy priorities they have included in their national RRF Plans available prior to the publication of the report.

The report is also available for download at: http://smartspend.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/D2.2_SMARTSPEND-Update-on-funding-instruments_v1.1.pdf